Monday, August 19, 2013

My First Post!!

Hi everyone! Bear with me as this is my first official post! I started this blog because I soooo envy all of the bloggers out there with their beautiful classrooms and wonderful teaching ideas. I hope that I can manage the time to keep up with the blog throughout the school year. I'll make my intro quick, but I'd like to tell you a little about myself! I'm a Second Grade Teacher near Fort Worth, Texas and this will be my 7th year of teaching. I work at a Title 1 school, which is awesome! My husband is a middle school coach in my school district. His school is less than a mile from mine! I so enjoy being able to "Teacher Talk" when we get home from work. He totally gets it! We have a little boy named Will who will be 2 in October! He is so adorable, loving, and smart. We just love him to pieces. Let's see if I can successfully attach a pic...---->
Yay!! It worked. Here's the little guy ^^^
Isn't he the cutest?
He's my little buddy and I'm definitely having a hard time starting the school year, when I have to leave this guy! 

I do apologize for the format and "elementary" blogging skills! 
I'd love to share some pictures of my classroom for this upcoming school year though! My classroom is a ROBOT theme!!
Here is our Classroom Door. I love the way it turned out! Beware!!! This classroom is a Chevron OVERLOAD, so if you're not a fan, keep it to yourself please. :) Ha. 

This pic pretty much speaks for itself. This is the back right corner. My mom picked up the cutest robot fabric, and I cut out some of the characters and glued them above the parking lot.

I left some of the bulletin boards blank so that I can add anchor charts for reader's and writer's workshop throughout the year! 
The board on the lower right is for academic vocabulary. 

Here are some photos of our classroom library and the front of the room. I level the books by DRA level and label with a garage sale sticker. If I can't find the level, then I have sorted them by category/genre. My awesome new teammate Morgan helped me get this system down! 

Well, That's all I have for now. My desk area is still a nightmare as we don't start actual school with kids until next Monday! Gives me some time to clean up a bit. 

I hope everyone is enjoying their first few days, (or weeks for some of you) back at school! Now I understand why there are so many bloggers out there. This is actually a lot of fun! 

Thanks for stopping by! - Allie


  1. I loved the "tour" of your classroom! Your robot theme is bright and vibrant!

    Welcome to the blogging world! I just started blogging in June and am addicted!

    Seconds at the Beach

  2. Thank you so much! I'll have to check out your blog!
